I invite you to join me in Brisbane on a journey of true self discovery. No matter who you are, my desire is to help you to unite your sexuality and spirit, openly and from the heart.


I welcome men, women, couples, and people engaged in alternative relationship dynamics to learn with me. It is my honour to work with individuals who identify as male, female, transgender and non-binary. Souls of all ages, body sizes and cultural backgrounds are invited to learn and journey with me. In my space all are treated with the utmost reverence, love and respect.

What happens in a session ?

During your session we will journey together with open minds and hearts to unite your sexuality and spirit.

Upon your arrival, we will first check in with one another to discuss what it is you would like to gain from our time spent together, so that I can make sure you achieve the outcome you desire. This is the time for us to chat openly about what you would like to learn and/or work on, and for me to answer any questions you may have about your curiosities or concerns.

Once we’ve gotten to know one another, I will suggest a few different practices for us to work on during our time together to support your particular learning (and exploration) objectives. This is the time for pure, open creative collaboration, allowing you the freedom to say yes to the practices that you feel you would like to try, and no to others that you feel aren’t as well-suited to your needs or desires.

When you have decided the practice you would like to try, I walk you through the technique. This can involve a number of different physical, mental and spiritual elements that vary in their degree of intensity. We work with practices such as breathwork, somatic movement, touch meditations, awareness exercises, and sensation rituals, depending on what is most relevant to you and your learning desires.

At the end of each session, I may suggest some practices that you can work on at home to continue your growth and development in your own time, if you feel comfortable to do so.

No matter what the style of session, whether it be related closely to bodywork or Interactive Erotic Education, our time together is always a two-way, creative collaboration.

Not sure what session would be best for you?

I offer bodywork sessions and Interactive Erotic Education sessions. If you are unsure of which style would suit you, there is no need to decide prior to making your appointment. When we first meet we can discuss your needs, hopes and desires together to determine what type of session will be most accommodating for you


Bodywork sessions – 90min – $250

Interactive Erotic Education sessions – 90min – $350

Personalised online sessions – by negotiation


Would you like to learn more about giving pleasure to yourself and others?

As one of the founders of the Institute of Somatic Sexology, I have the pleasure of working alongside fellow practitioners to provide workshops to the general public, as well as training to aspiring practitioners and professional development courses for those who wish to enhance their current qualifications. To learn more about the Institute of Somatic Sexology and our upcoming workshops, visit our website to join our mailing list and view our courses calendar.



A bodywork session designed for your growth and development focuses on how we can help you to access more pleasure in your body. By employing and teaching a range of somatic techniques, I assist you in learning how to access more sensation during sexual experiences with yourself and others, allowing you to become more centred and relaxed while accessing and working with your inner sexual being.

During this session, you will learn a number of different techniques that will help you to activate the erotic energy within your being, assisting you in awakening your pleasure body.

This particular style of session focuses on you and your own internal experiences of sexual arousal and pleasure.

A bodywork session designed for your growth and development can teach you how to:

  • Accesses more pleasure in your body
  • Learn new ways and techniques around touch
  • Activate your breath to increase sensation and arousal
  • Expand your idea of pleasure and orgasm  
  • Develop your orgasmicity
  • Practice ways in which you could stay present in your experience and not get distracted.



A bodywork session designed to help you with any issues and concerns you may be experiencing focuses on releasing any habits or patterns that are hindering your ability to access and embrace sexual pleasure.


Over time—often subconsciously—our bodies may develop ways of being that hinder and block our ability to feel comfortable in our sexual body, creating pain or discomfort that inhibits our potential for arousal during intimacy with ourselves and others. Far more than just a physical structure, our bodies can sometimes carry the memories of past experiences that may have left us feeling uncomfortable and anxious in intimate situations, subconscious fears that often lead to further anxiety-provoking encounters.


By employing and teaching a range of somatic techniques, I assist you in learning how to release these memories—and any resulting physical habits and patterns that may have been formed—to allow you to connect with your ability to feel pleasure in the body. Together we will work not only on the physical aspects of the challenges, but also on the underlying mental or emotional consequences.


Issues and concerns I can help you with include:


  • Scar remediation
  • Painful sex
  • Difficulties climaxing
  • Anxiety
  • Early ejaculation
  • Difficulties with engorgement
  • Rehabilitation after surgery, other medical procedures and illnesses
  • Recovering from trauma  


During this session, you will learn a number of different techniques that will help you to rejuvenate your physical being and to release the old patterns preventing you from being at one with your pleasure body, allowing you to open to new experiences with greater comfort and to develop a deeper awareness of your true desires.

Interactive Erotic Education SESSIONS


An Interactive Erotic Education session designed for your growth and development focuses on ways to connect with others on a deeper and more pleasurable level.

During this session, you will learn a number of different techniques that will help you to create a deeper level of intimacy between yourself and others. By employing and teaching a range of tantric practices, somatic techniques and communication skills, I assist you in learning how to give to another person in ways that enhance the pleasure felt by each of you, together.

During this session, you will learn a number of different physical, energetic and spiritual techniques that will help you to become more present with another person, allowing the sexual encounters you experience to deepen and expand in their level of intimacy.

An Interactive Erotic Education designed for your growth and development can teach you how to:

  • Create erotic rituals
  • Learn Tantric and Taoist touch techniques
  • How to be present grounded and centred during intimate situations
  • Become a great communicator
  • Gain the understanding around what your partner wants needs and desires
  • Create a deep intimacy with your partner
  • Learn how to connect erotically and spiritually with yourself and others

Interactive Erotic Education SESSIONS


An Interactive Erotic Education session designed to help you with any issues and concerns that you may be experiencing focuses on the challenges you are facing in connecting with others.

Sometimes the act of opening yourself up to others can arouse unexpected and unwanted feelings of anxiety, making it difficult to become truly present with another person. These anxieties may manifest as feeling the pressure to perform, feeling that you need to look a certain way, or being unsure of how to behave in intimate situations.

By employing and teaching a range of somatic and spiritual techniques, I assist you in learning how to become more comfortable during times of intimacy with others.

This particular style of session focuses on the energetic unions you share with others, and how you can confidently and comfortably become open and present with another person.

Personalised online sessions

During your session we will journey together with open minds and hearts to unite your sexuality and spirit. Designed to address any issues, curiosities or concerns you may have about your body, intimacy and sexuality, these sessions are just as powerful as those conducted in person, making them ideal for individuals who would prefer to meet with me from the comfort of their own environment.


Once we’ve connected online, we will first check in with one another to discuss what it is you would like to gain from our virtual time spent together, so that I can make sure you achieve the outcome you desire. This is the time for us to chat openly about what you would like to learn and/or work on, and for me to answer any questions you may have about your curiosities or concerns.


Throughout the interactive and collaborative session, I will guide you through different practices that are tailored to your specific needs, providing you with advice on how to implement them into your daily routine.


If you are unable to travel to see me, or simply feel more comfortable in your own space, this is a great avenue for you to explore.